In 2009 I won "Best Transformations of Different Techniques In A Scarf" in the scarf festival at the Geelong Wool Museum with this multi-coloured scarf.
In 2009 I started experimenting with forms based on 19th century collars.
In 2008 I made a series of hotwater bottle covers. These are available at Craft Victoria.
Here is the reverse side of the previous scarf
Again from 2007 this is a felted/knitted and shibori scarf.
here is a knitted and felted bubble cuff I produced in 2007
I am a textile artist based in Melbourne Australia. In another life, I ran a florist shop "Rare Petals". Both crafts take some inspiration from ancient Japanese techniques- my flower shop concentrated on ikebana, and my current craft practice explores shibori, in particular on knitted felt. Please contact me for orders or commissions or just leave a comment- thank you for visiting.